According to statistics, every fourth person on earth is suffering from fungal infections of the feet and nails.
The fungus of the foot, and the nails (onychomycosis) is a very common infectious disease, both among women as well as men. Causes for the emergence of infectious fungus can be very different – from a weakened immune system to damage to the layer of the nail.
The process begins with the skin of the feet, often with inter-digital folds, where cracks and spalls are formed. In General, the skin begins to flush and it will appear small blisters, which burst to form ulcers and cracks. To prevent a "breeding ground" of the fungus can spreads gradually, and on the nails. For fungus nails is an ideal place for propagation are. Nails are made of Keratin – substance, feeding the causative agents of fungal infections. Pilz, once in the nail plate, grows and multiplies. Gradually, the nail plate will fade, thicken, acquire the uneven surface and with yellow spots. The nails break easily, a scrub and aesthetics lose!
The most important symptoms.
The main symptoms of the fungus feet and nails, one can enumerate:
- Cracks in the interdigital folds (generally between 1-2 and 4-5-m-Finger);
- Thickening or thinning of the nail;
- Itching and burning;
- Redness and flaking;
- Delamination;
- The unpleasant smell of nail Polish.

Danger areas
Profuse sweating is considered as the main factor for the emergence of the fungus on the legs. Therefore, well-dried and clean shoes should wear for the comfort of the sensations, only comfortable. It is recommended that shoes be changed daily, wear the same pair for at least every second day. There are other causes of onychomycosis. For example, damage to the layer of the nail. If the nail is loose adjacent to the skin, in its cavity easily germs can penetrate, begin actively reproduce, thereby ruining the nail.
HOW do YOU AVOID MOLD ON your feet?
The fungus multiplies in a moist environment. Therefore, if your shoes remains poorly dried, there is the likelihood of fungal disease. The following are a few simple rules will help you, the health and beauty of your feet:
- Only wear comfortable, and not necessarily high-quality shoes;
- The shoes should be dry and clean. In the pharmacy you can buy the Spray-protection from mildew and you can process them, the shoes and feet.
- In the bathroom, in the Sauna, the fitness room should not go barefoot. You take with the slate.
- Not the shoes to be worn with a stranger, the feet.
- After the shower, as well as possible and better for the feet, especially between the fingers.
- Manicure accessories always disinfect – immerse in alcohol.
In medicine, there is a modern way of eliminating fungal – Hardware-cleaning of the nails. It is quite effective treatment that will help restore the beauty of your nails. With the help of special nozzles, the upper layer of the damaged nail plates removed. The nail bed is not damaged. Do not be afraid and panic. The procedure is pain-free! The doctor before the procedure disinfect the surface of the nail plate, Anti-fungal ointments and medicines invaded better inside.
Hardware method for the treatment of the fungus is in the case of more than 60% of the surface. In such cases, the doctor may remove the nail plate. If less than 40% of the nail plate, it is a course of drugs is antifungal. Laser treatment is one of the most effective methods of removing mildew. Light performance Laser instantly kills the fungus and its spores. The duration of a session varies from 20 to 30 minutes. For the complete elimination of the fungus at least 3-5 Laser irradiation. Laser treatment as well as the medical cleaning is a pain-free procedure.
It is recommended that disinfected everything that the fungus was able to come in contact with. The high temperature is the greatest enemy of the fungus. At a temperature of 75 degrees mushroom dies for 10-15 minutes. Consequently, for the disinfection, if the risk of an infection, fungal disease, you can be exposed to high temperatures. Personal items (clothes, shoes, items, skin care, nails) – it is recommended to cook it thoroughly and iron. For disinfection of shoes, you also have a percent Formalin solution, in which the fungus dies in a few minutes or special means for the disinfection can. You should always keep in mind that you have to neglect the prevention of fungus, very dangerous, because the Problem is maintained, only the owner of well or sick feet, but also quite healthy people, the virus in a public place.